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  •   (604) 924-8289

Who, in the first place, requires dentures? There are far more people than you might believe. Our North Vancouver dentists explain the two kinds of dentures available, as well as why you might need them and how they can help you improve your oral health.

What are dentures?

These man-made teeth and gums can be tailored to your specific needs. Custom-fit dentures are tooth replacements that are made to look exactly like your natural teeth. They are intended to replace natural teeth that a patient has lost or extracted.

How will I know if I need dentures?

Our dentists recommend dentures to patients of all ages more frequently than you might think. You might have thought they were only for certain types of patients or seniors. However, you and your dentist may decide on this tooth replacement based on a number of factors specific to your case.

You may never need dentures if you visit your dentist for regular checkups and practice good oral hygiene at home. However, if you have a history of dental issues and have previously experienced dental problems, they may be in your future.

What are the two types of dentures?

To maintain your oral health, it's essential to replace missing teeth. If you are missing one or more teeth, ask your dentist whether full or partial dentures are right for you. 

Partial Dentures 

Typically constructed from a combination of metal and acrylic, partial dentures can be used to replace one or a few missing teeth. 

Full Dentures 

Full dentures can be used to replace all of the teeth in your upper or lower jaw if you are missing all of them. These can be combined with implants to provide a more secure fit for your teeth, depending on your needs.

How should I care for my dentures?

Dentures, like natural teeth, can accumulate tartar and plaque. This can result in stains, bad breath, and gum problems. Cleaning your dentures on a daily basis will help prevent plaque from transferring from your dentures to your natural teeth and gums.

Do you have any additional questions about dentures? Contact our North Vancouver dentists and we may be able to provide you with a referral.

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