Teens living in the North Vancouver area can enjoy the benefits of Invisalign for straightening their developing smiles.
A Clear Choice for Teens in North Vancouver
For busy teenagers, Invisalign's features can help make the orthodontic treatment process more flexible and convenient – making it easier to work the teeth straightening process into their active lives.
Features of Invisalign for Teens in North Vancouver
Get all the benefits of Invisalign for Adults in a clear orthodontic treatment that's easy to live with.
Compliance Indicators
You'll find small blue dots on these clear aligners. After the aligners have been worn for two full weeks, they fade away. These indicators are designed to help teens stay on track with their Invisalign treatment.
Stageable Eruption Tabs
Some patients may have molars that haven't yet emerged. Stageable eruption tabs allow second molars space to grow in. The tabs help prevent molars from growing in crooked, misaligned or misplaced.
Replacement Aligners
Invisalign for Teens comes with six sets of replacement clear aligners. With these replacements, delays between treatments from mistakenly lost, damaged or broken aligners can be reduced.